
Help to resolve any behaviour issues you may be experiencing with your dog

There are several reasons why dog owners enlist the help of a professional Trainer/Behaviour Consultant. Perhaps your perfect puppy has started behaving in an unsettling way that you cannot fathom, or your dog has all of a sudden began to react in a manner you find unacceptable. There are many factors to dog behaviour and their root causes.

What one person is happy to live with, another is not and may class the behaviour as a 'problem'. This could be something as simple as jumping up to greet guests or chewing on slippers, 'mouthing' or separation anxiety/destructiveness in the home. It is important that you seek the advice of your veterinarian in the more serious cases such as aggressive or anxious behaviour, to rule out any medical issues.

Our sessions are positive reinforcement based and our methods modern and ethical. We want to help you to understand your dogs' behaviour and bring clarity to your situation.

Behaviour Sessions

Ultimate Dog Package

This package comprises a number of sessions and is the perfect choice for issues that will take a few sessions to improve

Online Consultation

Ideal for nervous dogs and/or busy owners. Our trainer will discuss your needs online without your dog having to meet a new person and saving you time. 

Personal Training Sessions

Tailored to meet the specific needs of you and your dog.